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Pawan K. Chaudhary

UI/UX Designer
FullStack Web Developer


+977 9814210700



Nepaltar, Kathmandu


Aligning Your Brand with Business Goals
Welcome to the art of branding, where we define the distinctive identity of your brand. We collaborate closely with you to identify your key principles and develop thorough brand guidelines, including a distinctive logo and a unified brand voice. Making your brand memorable and resonating in a crowded market is our goal.

Is your website design falling behind the times?

We are delighted to offer our services to assist you in creating a powerful and enduring brand that will set you apart from the competition. Our team of skilled experts is committed to developing distinctive and practical branding solutions that support your company's mission and goals.

With years of expertise, we have established ourselves as a reliable partner for companies of all sizes. We will describe the special qualities and advantages of our services in this material, along with the reasons why we are the ideal partner for your branding requirements.

Process of
Branding And Design

The foundation of our branding method is creating a strong brand identity. We collaborate to set guidelines that ensure brand consistency across all touchpoints, define your brand's personality, and create memorable images.
  • The Process One

    Brand Research

    To better understand your beliefs, mission, target market, and target audience, conduct extensive research.
  • Proccess two

    Identity design

    Design a distinctive visual identity including a logo, color scheme, typography, and design components.
  • The Process Three

    Brand messaging

    Create a brand message that speaks to your audience and embodies your values.
  • Including your brand

    Consistently use your new brand identity across all touchpoints, including digital and print.
  • Manage your brand

    Following customer feedback and changing market trends, keep an eye on and cultivate the perception of your brand.

Feature of
Collateral Design.

Branding means building a distinctive and recognizable image, name, logo, design, or symbol to represent a business, good, or service. It includes a company’s reputation and general image in the eyes of customers.

Describe branding

Branding means building a distinctive and recognizable image, name, logo, design, or symbol to represent a business, good, or service. It includes a company’s reputation and general image in the eyes of customers.

What makes branding so crucial?

At PKC, we specialize in creating compelling and impactful brands that resonate with your target audience. The establishment of a strong market presence, distinguishing your company from rivals, and increasing client recognition and trust all depend on your brand. Long-term success, customer loyalty, and the development of an emotional connection with your target audience are all aided by this. Our goal is to alleviate your businesses by offering mentioned services.

How does our branding services help your company?

Our team at PKC provide a professional branding services that can help your company in a number of ways:

A. Brand Strategy:

We assist you in creating a thorough brand strategy that includes identifying your company’s mission, values, and target market. This guarantees that your brand is well-positioned in the marketplace.

B. Visual identity:

With the help of the logo, color scheme, typography, and other design components, we develop a visually appealing and unified brand identity. The personality and values of your brand will be reflected in this visual identity.

C. Brand messaging:

Our skilled copywriters will create an appealing brand messaging that successfully conveys to your target audience your brand’s history, differentiators, and value proposition.

D. Consistency:

Our expert branding services make sure that the visual and linguistic components of your brand are consistent throughout all touchpoints, such as your website, social media accounts, marketing materials, and client interactions.

E. Market Differentiation:

Our team will assist you in determining what makes your company different from rivals and developing methods to emphasize those distinctive qualities, helping you stand out in the market.

What steps comprise the branding procedure?

The following steps are often included in the branding process:

A. Discovery and Research

We carry out research to comprehend your company’s operations, target market, market trends, and rivals. We can then use these findings to create a customized branding plan.

B. Brand Positioning

Using the research as a foundation, a strong brand positioning is created, outlining your company’s distinctive value proposition and how it fits with the wants and needs of your target market.

C. Brand identity design

To effectively express your brand’s personality and values, visual components like logos, color schemes, typography, and images are designed.

D. Brand Messaging

Effective brand messaging is created that appeals to your target market, shares your brand’s history, and accentuates its salient features and advantages.

E. Introduction and Execution

All marketing materials, digital platforms, and customer touchpoints use the brand identity and messaging once it has been finalized. In order to expose the new brand to your target audience, a strategic launch plan is created.

How long does it take to build a brand?

The intricacy of the project, the extent of the work, and the level of cooperation between the branding team and your company will all affect how long the branding process takes. The branding process, which includes research, strategy formulation, design iterations, and implementation, can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months on average.

Can I revamp or upgrade your current brand?

An existing brand can be updated. A brand update means making minor adjustments to your company’s positioning, messaging, or visual identity in order to better reflect changing consumer preferences or to better connect with your target market. Without totally rebranding, it can assist in giving your company a fresh lease on life.

How can brand recognition and loyalty benefit consumers?

Customer loyalty and recognition are greatly influenced by brand awareness through: Building Trust Customers who identify a brand with dependability, quality, and satisfying experiences are more likely to trust it.

A. Emotional Connection

Strong branding evokes emotions in consumers, increasing their propensity to choose your brand over rivals.

B. Brand Advocacy

Happy clients who identify with your brand are more inclined to promote and refer other people to your goods or services.

C. Brand Recognition:

Customers are more likely to remember a well-known brand that has a distinctive visual identity and consistent messaging since it is simple to recognize.

Featured Works

Want to be partner with us

Consider our track record of success instead of just taking our word for it. By working with us, you can be confident that you are collaborating with a group of devoted experts who are committed to assisting you in succeeding in the digital sphere. Why then wait? Reach out to us right away, and together, let's realize the full potential of your company.
Email: | Phone: +977 9814210700


  • Branding

    Strategy, Visual Identity, Collaterals
  • UI/UX & Web Design

    UI/UX Design, Responsive design, Creative Direction
  • Website Development

    Wordpress, Magento, WooCommerce, Joomla, HTML5, CSS.
  • Digital Marketing

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  • Support & Hosting

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  • SEO & SEM

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  • Content Writting

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Nepaltar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Email
  • Phone
    +977 9814210700
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