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Pawan K. Chaudhary

UI/UX Designer
FullStack Web Developer


+977 9814210700



Nepaltar, Kathmandu


Building Quality Backlinks and Reputation
Our knowledgeable team of SEO specialists is here to guide you through the constantly shifting SEO landscape and increase the exposure of your website. We offer customized plans to match your specific objectives, whether you're a tiny business wanting to boost local search ranks or a major corporation hoping for global recognition.

Do you want to boost visibility, attract more customers, and achieve remarkable online growth?

Please enjoy using our SEO and SEM services. Through search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM), we are committed to assisting companies of all sizes in enhancing their online presence and generating more traffic and conversions. Through efficient SEO and SEM methods, our team of specialists has years of expertise assisting businesses in achieving their objectives.

We will describe the special qualities and advantages of our services in this material, along with the reasons why we are the ideal partner for your SEO and SEM requirements.

Process of

The main goals of our SEO and SEM approach are to increase your online presence and generate targeted visitors. To expand your online reach, we carry out in-depth keyword research, improve the content and structure of your website, and use clever paid advertising.
  • Audit

    An in-depth technical and content audit to understand pieces that should be fixed to rank well in organic research
  • Proccess two

    Technical SEO

    Optimizing and identifying blockers in SEO in the domains of index status, crawl budget, sitemaps, and internals will make your website faster, crawlable, and in a better SEO position.
  • The Process Three

    Keyword research

    Optimizing your website around highly valued keywords
  • Location and demographics

    Much like buyer personas, understanding how people search for local businesses and service providers and who they are will enhance distance, prominence, and relevance.
  • Content strategy, writing, and editing

    Preparing and finalizing the foundational, FAQ, authoritative content auditing, component placement, and many more
  • Ranking

    Enhancing, and improving your brand with a proper plan and approach put in place will allow you to enjoy the process of SEO over your business’s lifetime.

Feature of SEO & SEM

Seo titile

Why is SEO crucial for your business and what does it entail?

Your website can be optimized for SEO (search engine optimization) in order to increase its exposure and rankings in search engine results. It entails a number of tactics and procedures that improve the authority, usability, and relevancy of your website. Because it helps drive organic traffic, raises brand awareness, and produces high quality leads, SEO is essential for your company’s online presence and expansion.

How would PKC's SEO services help your company?

The following advantages for your company can be unlocked by working with PKC for SEO services:

A. Increased Website visitors

Our SEO specialists use tried-and-true techniques to increase the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs), bringing in more relevant organic visitors.

B. Higher Search Engine Rankings

To increase your website’s relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines, we optimize its structure, content, and technical components. As a result, you’ll rank higher for relevant keywords.

C. Enhanced User Experience:

To give your visitors a seamless and interesting experience, our team concentrates on optimizing your website’s navigation, page load time, and mobile compatibility.

D. Targeted Keyword Optimization:

To find pertinent and valuable keywords that support your business objectives, we undertake in-depth keyword research. The content and meta tags of your website are then optimized to increase its exposure to these keywords.

E. Data-driven Insights:

We offer in-depth analyses and reports on the functionality, user activity, and keyword rankings of your website using cutting-edge analytics tools. This aids in decision-making and ongoing SEO strategy optimization.

What is SEM and how does it support SEO, exactly?

A digital marketing tactic called SEM (Search Engine Marketing) involves promoting your website through paid search engine advertising. This includes strategies like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, in which you place bids on keywords to have targeted ads shown to users of relevant search engines. SEM supports SEO by granting rapid visibility and utilizing paid advertising to provide targeted visitors to your website, whereas SEO focuses on organic search results.

How can PKC's SEM services help your company achieve its goals?

The results that PKC’s SEM services can produce for your company include the following:

A. Immediate Online Visibility

We make sure that your ads are prominently featured in search engine results so that you can immediately contact your target audience. This is done through effective PPC campaigns.

B. Increased Website Traffic

By optimizing your ad campaigns to attract high-quality visitors to your website, our SEM specialists make sure that your ads are seen by people who are actively looking for goods and services similar to yours.

C. Cost-effective Advertising

To maximize your return on investment (ROI), we meticulously monitor your PPC campaigns. We assist you in achieving cost-effective conversions and enhanced ad performance by focusing on relevant keywords and optimizing ad copy.

D. Reach a Targeted Audience

Using SEM, we may target particular demographics, geographic regions, and search terms to make sure that your advertising are seen by the right people at the right time, boosting the likelihood that they will become customers.

E. Continuous Optimization

SEM delivers quick visibility through paid ads, whilst SEO focuses on improving your website’s organic ranks, ensuring that your company shows in both organic and paid search results.

F. Comprehensive Search Presence:

SEM delivers quick visibility through paid ads, whilst SEO focuses on improving your website’s organic ranks, ensuring that your company shows in both organic and paid search results.

G. Keyword Synergy

SEO and SEM work together to make sure that your website shows up for relevant search queries through efficient keyword research and optimization. You may grab a wider range of keywords and improve your overall visibility by mixing organic and paid techniques.

H. Increased Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Research has indicated that companies who appear in both organic and sponsored search results frequently see better CTRs. This strengthens your brand’s authority and presence, which raises your chances of getting clicks and sales.

I. Data insights

You may learn a lot about keyword performance, user behavior, and conversion metrics by combining data from SEO and SEM campaigns. This makes it possible to make decisions based on facts and to modify your digital marketing tactics.

How can I decide which of SEO and SEM is best for your company?

Your business goals, budget, timeframe, and competition will all influence your decision between SEO and SEM. SEM delivers rapid visibility and exact targeting through paid advertising, whereas SEO offers long-term benefits and cost-effective organic visibility. At PKC, we evaluate your specific business requirements, target market, and competitive environment to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that makes the most of both SEO and SEM’s advantages, assuring the best possible outcomes for your company.

Can PKC provide SEO and SEM support for companies of all sizes?

Absolutely! PKC serves companies of various sizes, from small start-ups to massive corporations. We customize our SEO and SEM services to fit your unique business objectives, target market, and spending limit. Regardless of the size or sector of your company, our skilled staff has worked in a variety of sectors, enabling us to modify tactics to match your particular objectives and achieve quantifiable results.

How can I assess the effectiveness of your SEO and SEM initiatives?

To evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO and SEM initiatives, PKC offers thorough reporting and analysis. Key performance indicators (KPIs) that we monitor for SEM campaigns include organic rankings, website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Regular reports and insights from our team will help you better understand the results of your digital marketing investment and optimize your tactics by allowing you to make informed choices.

Featured Works

Want to be partner with us

Consider our track record of success instead of just taking our word for it. By working with us, you can be confident that you are collaborating with a group of devoted experts who are committed to assisting you in succeeding in the digital sphere. Why then wait? Reach out to us right away, and together, let's realize the full potential of your company.
Email: | Phone: +977 9814210700


  • Branding

    Strategy, Visual Identity, Collaterals
  • UI/UX & Web Design

    UI/UX Design, Responsive design, Creative Direction
  • Website Development

    Wordpress, Magento, WooCommerce, Joomla, HTML5, CSS.
  • Digital Marketing

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  • Support & Hosting

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  • SEO & SEM

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  • Content Writting

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Nepaltar, Kathmandu, Nepal
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    +977 9814210700
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