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Pawan K. Chaudhary

UI/UX Designer
FullStack Web Developer


+977 9814210700



Nepaltar, Kathmandu

Website Development

Combining Front-end and Back-end Expertise
Explore the field of web development, where ideas are transformed into strong, dynamic online platforms. Our expertise in both front-end and back-end development ensures that your website looks fantastic and functions flawlessly. In addition to deployment, we offer continuous support and upkeep to keep your site safe and flexible.

Turn your digital aspirations into reality with our expert development services.

Hello and thank you for visiting our website! Our expertise is in building bespoke websites that are suited to your particular business objectives. Years of experience have been accumulated by our team of specialists in creating websites that are not only visually appealing but also useful and user-friendly. We will describe the special qualities and advantages of our web development services in this article, along with the reasons why we are the ideal partner for your web development requirements.

Process of
Website Develop

We carefully combine front-end and back-end knowledge as part of our web development process to realize your digital vision. To create a strong and useful online presence, we use cutting-edge technology, frameworks, and safe coding techniques.
  • Gathering requirements

    Gather thorough project specs while keeping your demands, goals, and functionality in mind.
  • Proccess two

    Design and Planning

    Make a strategic roadmap for the website that details its architecture, design, and user experience.
  • The Process Three


    Utilize cutting-edge technologies to build the website, ensuring functionality, responsiveness, and security.
  • Quality Control and Testing

    Fix issues, thoroughly test all features, and guarantee consistent performance across all browsers and devices.
  • Development

    Launch and deployment in Ensure a seamless transition from the development environment to the live environment by deploying the website on the server of your choice.

Feature of Website Development

Why do I need website development, and what is it?

From conception to launch, website development entails the creation, design, and execution of a website. It includes several technical elements, such as coding, programming, and integrating features and functionality. Businesses must have a well-designed website since it is their online presence and allows them to advertise their goods, services, and brand to a large audience. In today’s digital environment, a well-designed website boosts credibility, draws visitors, and propels business expansion.

What are the advantages of PKC's website creation services for your company?

You can get a variety of advantages by selecting PKC for your website development requirements:

A. Customized web solutions

Our talented development team will consult with you closely to comprehend your company’s goals, target market, and particular needs. We design websites specifically for you in accordance with your brand identity, objectives, and user experience requirements.

B. Responsive websites

For a seamless and interesting user experience on computers, tablets, and mobile devices, we create responsive websites that are suited for different platforms.

C. User-Friendly Interfaces

Our development team places a strong emphasis on making interfaces that are simple to use and allow users to easily explore your website and locate the information they want.

D. Scalability and flexibility

We create websites that are adaptable and scalable, enabling future growth and integration of new features and functionalities as your business changes.

E. Integration capabilities

Our developers have the skills to effortlessly integrate a variety of systems and technologies into your website, whether you need e-commerce functionality, CRM integration, or third-party API interaction.

F. Cross-Browser Compatibility

No matter which web browser a user chooses to use, we make sure your website is compatible with all of the major ones.

G. Friendly to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In order to ensure that your website is optimized for search engines to improve visibility and boost organic traffic, our development team adheres to best practices for on-page SEO.

What steps are involved in creating a website with PKC?

To produce excellent results, our website building process adheres to a systematic methodology:

A. Gathering Requirements

We start by learning about your company’s objectives, target market, and particular requirements. To acquire the information required for designing and constructing your website, our team holds extensive consultations.

B. Design and Mockup

In accordance with your specifications, our designers produce aesthetically pleasing mockups that illustrate the suggested website layout, color schemes, font, and overall aesthetic.

C. Development & Coding

After the design is accepted, our talented developers write clear, effective, and scalable code to bring the idea to life. To ensure the highest possible grade of website development, we adhere to industry best practices and coding guidelines.

D. Information Integration

With our aid, you can structure and fill your website with interesting, persuading information that appeals to your target audience.

E. Functionality and Testing

We thoroughly test the functionality of your website to make sure that all features, forms, and interactive elements function properly on a variety of browsers and mobile devices. In order to get feedback and make the required modifications, we also undertake user testing.

F. Launch and Deployment

We provide assistance with the final launch and deployment of your website once it has completed extensive testing and quality assurance, assuring a seamless transition to your live website.

G. Continuous Support and Maintenance

We offer continuous support and maintenance services to resolve any technical difficulties, carry out routine maintenance, and make sure your website is safe, current, and optimized.

Can PKC help with website makeover or website renovation?

Absolutely! PKC may help you with website redesign or revamping if your current website needs a new look or better functionality. Our team will evaluate your present website, gain an understanding of company objectives and needs, and make strategic design and development recommendations to improve user experience, update the look, and boost performance.

How much time does it take to create a website using PKC?

The size and complexity of the project, the accessibility of content and resources, and the level of customization required all affect how quickly a website may be developed. Based on your unique specifications, our team will give you a thorough project plan and timeframe, ensuring transparency and prompt delivery of your website.

Can PKC design websites for companies of all sizes?

Absolutely! PKC serves companies of various sizes, from small start-ups to massive corporations. We are aware that every company has different objectives, specifications, and financial constraints. Our website creation services may be scaled and customized to fit the demands of companies of all sizes and in a variety of industries.

How do I pick the best website development company?

The success of your online presence depends on your choice of website development company. The following are some reasons PKC is the best choice for your website development needs:

A. Expertise

Our team of talented developers has delivered successful projects across a variety of sectors and has a wealth of expertise in website creation.

B. Customized Solutions

In order to provide custom website development solutions that are catered to your particular requirements, we take the time to understand your business goals and special requirements.

C. Collaboration and communication

To ensure that your vision is transformed into a useful and aesthetically pleasing website, we believe in collaborative relationships, involving you at every stage of the development process.

D. Cutting-Edge Technologies

We keep up with the most recent frameworks, technologies, and best practices for web development, which enables us to produce cutting-edge, high-performance websites that make the most of digital platforms.

E. Quality Control

We follow stringent quality control procedures to guarantee that your website is free of errors, fully operational, and enhanced for speed, security, and usability.

F. Continuous Support

PKC offers continuous support and upkeep services to resolve any technical problems, carry out routine maintenance, and offer assistance as your website changes.

Featured Works

Want to be partner with us

Consider our track record of success instead of just taking our word for it. By working with us, you can be confident that you are collaborating with a group of devoted experts who are committed to assisting you in succeeding in the digital sphere. Why then wait? Reach out to us right away, and together, let's realize the full potential of your company.
Email: | Phone: +977 9814210700


  • Branding

    Strategy, Visual Identity, Collaterals
  • UI/UX & Web Design

    UI/UX Design, Responsive design, Creative Direction
  • Website Development

    Wordpress, Magento, WooCommerce, Joomla, HTML5, CSS.
  • Digital Marketing

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  • Support & Hosting

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  • SEO & SEM

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  • Content Writting

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Nepaltar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Email
  • Phone
    +977 9814210700
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