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Pawan K. Chaudhary

UI/UX Designer
FullStack Web Developer


+977 9814210700



Nepaltar, Kathmandu

Support & Hosting

Selecting the Right Hosting Solution
In the world of SEO and SEM, we aspire to increase your online presence. We begin by conducting keyword research and search engine optimization for your website. Quality backlinks from our off-page SEO help us establish authority, and we use SEM efforts to make an immediate impact. Our plans for online success are informed by ongoing monitoring and data insights.

Are you looking for top notch support and hosting services ?

Welcome to our hosting and support pages! We are eager to discuss how we can support the success of your company while showcasing our wide range of services. Our team of skilled experts is committed to offering top-notch hosting and support services to make sure your website operates quickly and effectively.

With years of expertise, we are now the preferred supplier for companies of all sizes. We will describe the special qualities and advantages of our services in this article, along with the reasons why we are the ideal partner for your hosting and support requirements.

Process of
Support and Hosting

In terms of support and hosting, our procedure makes sure that your website is dependable and effective. To keep your online presence operating properly, we carefully choose hosting options, offer technical support, maintain servers, and implement backup and recovery plans.
  • Determine Your Needs

    Understanding your hosting requirements through in-depth talks, traffic analysis, and projected future development.
  • Proccess two

    Custom hosting solution

    Create a customized hosting strategy taking server specifications, security, scalability, and storage needs into account.
  • The Process Three

    Continuity of Migration

    Easy migration from your old host thanks to our seamless data, file, and configuration migration.
  • Constant supervision and assistance

    Continuous monitoring and round-the-clock expert assistance will guarantee uninterrupted performance.
  • Continuous optimization

    Apply updates, fixes, and enhancements on a regular basis to your hosting environment for maximum performance.

Feature of Support and hosting

Why do I need hosting and support services? What are they?

For your website or web application to provide a seamless and dependable online experience, support and hosting services are crucial. Support services for your online presence include ongoing maintenance, technical support, and troubleshooting. By providing the infrastructure and server resources required to host your website or application, hosting services guarantee that it is always available to users. You may focus on your main company operations while leaving the technical details to professionals by investing in support and hosting services, which will improve performance, security, and your sense of peace of mind.

How would PKC's support services help your company?

The following advantages of using PKC’s support services for your company:

A. Technical Knowledge

Our support staff is made up of qualified individuals with in-depth knowledge and competence in a range of technical disciplines. They can immediately identify problems, offer advice, and guarantee the efficient running of your digital assets.

B. Timely Issue Resolution

To reduce downtime and guarantee a seamless user experience for your clients, we place a priority on quick issue resolution. Any technical issues, need for software updates, or requirements for server maintenance can be handled by our support staff.

C. Proactive Monitoring

As part of our support services, we actively keep an eye on your website or application to find possible problems before they get out of hand. This makes it possible to do preventative maintenance, ensuring top performance and lowering the chance of downtime.

D. Regular Backups

To add an extra layer of security and ensure that your information is secured against data loss or system failures, we regularly backup your data and files.

E. Continuous Support and Consultation

To assist you in making decisions about your online presence, our support team is available to give you continuous assistance, respond to your inquiries, and provide consultation.

What hosting services is PKC able to provide, and how may they help your company?

PKC provides a selection of hosting services made to meet your individual requirements:

A. Website hosting

We offer dependable and secure hosting services for your website, guaranteeing quick page loads, high uptime, and scalable resources to handle traffic and growth.

B. Application hosting

If you have software or online applications, we offer hosting solutions that give a solid infrastructure, guaranteeing excellent speed, data security, and compliance with the technologies your applications need.

C. E-commerce Hosting

Our e-commerce hosting services are made to serve online shops by giving them the tools, security precautions, and payment gateway integration they need to conduct transactions easily and securely.

D. Cloud hosting

We provide adaptable and scalable cloud hosting solutions that take advantage of the flexibility and scalability of cloud infrastructure to deliver dependability, redundancy, and the capacity to handle traffic spikes without affecting performance.

E. Managed Hosting

With our managed hosting services, we handle every part of hosting, such as server setup, upkeep, security updates, and performance optimization, letting you concentrate on running your business without worrying about technical concerns.

What are the advantages of using our hosting services?

The following advantages of using PKC’s hosting services:

A. Enhanced Performance

The hosting infrastructure we deploy is speed-optimized, resulting in quick page loads and a seamless user experience for anyone accessing your website or application.

B. Scalability

As your company expands, our hosting services are easily scalable to meet the demand for more traffic and resources, preserving continuous access for your users.

C. Security

To secure your data and the information of your users from potential dangers, we apply strong security measures, such as firewalls, routine software upgrades, and malware scanning.

D. Reliable Uptime

Our hosting solutions are made to provide high uptime, eliminating downtime and making sure that consumers can access your website or application 24/7.

E. Technical Support

As part of our hosting packages, we offer technical support, which can help you out anytime you run into hosting-related problems or have inquiries about your hosting environment.

In what steps does PKC's hosting and support service setup process consist?

To set up hosting and support services with PKC, follow these simple steps:

A. Consultation

We begin by comprehending your unique hosting and support needs. Our experts will talk about your requirements, objectives, and financial constraints to choose the best hosting option and level of support for your company.

B. Implementation

Our experts will set up servers, optimize the environment, and set up the hosting infrastructure after we have agreed on the hosting plan and support services.

C. Integration & migration

If you already have a website or application, we can help you move it seamlessly to our hosting environment, minimizing downtime and ensuring a seamless transfer. Additionally, we include continuing technical support into your workflow through our support services.

D. Variety of support

After your hosting is configured, our support staff will be on hand to address any technical problems, respond to inquiries, and perform maintenance and upgrades as necessary. In order to ensure prompt and effective communication, we provide a variety of support channels, including phone, email, and live chat.

Can PKC accommodate hosting and support for companies of various sizes?

Absolutely! PKC is prepared to manage hosting and support services for companies of all sizes, from small startups to major corporations. We are aware that every firm has different needs in terms of scalability. We offer flexible and customizable support and hosting services to fit businesses of various sizes, ensuring that you get the proper degree of support and hosting resources catered to your particular need.

How does PKC make sure that your website or application is secure?

The security of your website or application is a top priority at PKC. To protect your digital assets, we use industry-leading security methods, like:

A. Strong Firewalls

To safeguard your hosted environment from illegal access and other dangers, we use firewalls.

B. Regular Updates

To guarantee that your hosting environment is secure against known vulnerabilities, we stay current with the newest security patches and software updates.

C. Malware Scanning

To find and remove any dangerous files or code that could compromise your website or application, we regularly check for malware.

D. Data Encryption

To protect sensitive data, such as user information and financial transactions, we use encryption technologies to make sure it is transferred securely.

E. Backup and Disaster Recovery

We regularly back up your files and data, enabling swift recovery in the case of data loss or system breakdowns.

F. Monitoring & Intrusion Detection

Our team keeps a close eye on your hosting environment for any shady goings-on, immediately responding to and removing any dangers that may be there.

Featured Works

Want to be partner with us

Consider our track record of success instead of just taking our word for it. By working with us, you can be confident that you are collaborating with a group of devoted experts who are committed to assisting you in succeeding in the digital sphere. Why then wait? Reach out to us right away, and together, let's realize the full potential of your company.
Email: | Phone: +977 9814210700


  • Branding

    Strategy, Visual Identity, Collaterals
  • UI/UX & Web Design

    UI/UX Design, Responsive design, Creative Direction
  • Website Development

    Wordpress, Magento, WooCommerce, Joomla, HTML5, CSS.
  • Digital Marketing

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  • Support & Hosting

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  • SEO & SEM

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Nepaltar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Email
  • Phone
    +977 9814210700
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