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Pawan K. Chaudhary

UI/UX Designer
FullStack Web Developer


+977 9814210700



Nepaltar, Kathmandu




All the knowledge I have today is a credit to dedication. A business student learning the fundamentals of how to administer various aspects of an organization, I grew very fond of the online world. The evolution of information technology revolutionized operations and management strategies. It replaced jobs, it replaced traditional marketing and provided new dimensions to brand and business identities. The evolving info-tech sector piqued my interest; hence pushing me to invest my time and energy to teach myself all the required mechanics.
Moksha design is a company that takes a lot of inspiration from trending local designs and incorporate them in their client’s online profile.
From creating identity, spreading awareness to establishing a sustainable business through integration of information, I taught myself through all my available resources. All that acquired knowledge would have never been fruitful had I not implemented it in the real world. So, I joined Moksha design studio, as an intern with hunger for learning. It was a healthy learning environment where I took my first professional steps as a web professional. Starting off with fundamentals and basics, I started to implement my theoretical knowledge into practice.
Moksha design is a company that takes a lot of inspiration from trending local designs and incorporate them in their client’s online profile. My time in Moksha design studio really helped me to conceptualize visually and functionally stunning information goods. I learned how the design elements should also serve functional purpose to create amazing experiences online.


As the saying goes, “When one door closes, another one opens”, another door of opportunity opened in front of me. With lots of promise, I took the next step in my career by joining Last Door Solutions. Slightly different web agency mainly focused on supporting the functional aspects for their clients.
As the name suggests, the company provided services to hopeful clients after a lot of agencies could not deliver their requirements. Here, I learned the values of teamwork and professionalism required to support the businesses that had high requirements.
My capabilities were boosted as I began working with new and evolved technologies used by international clients that refused to compromise.
I was continuously learning dynamics of web development that could help me deliver the best results. I worked with frameworks out of my capabilities but the pressure really turned the coal into diamond, as I rigorously developed as a valued web professional in the organization.


Now I am at Curves n’ Colors (CnC), a digital design and development studio that is the amalgamation of everything I’ve ever worked with. With equal focus on design and development, CnC promises aesthetically and functionally excellent information goods for national and international clients.
I supervise the development department that is tasked with taking care of all the technicalities without compromising the design elements.

Pixel Perfect Web Designer Guru

I grow everyday with my fellow colleagues by learning new things about the ever-evolving world of technology in a safe and healthy workspace.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Want to be partner with us

Consider our track record of success instead of just taking our word for it. By working with us, you can be confident that you are collaborating with a group of devoted experts who are committed to assisting you in succeeding in the digital sphere. Why then wait? Reach out to us right away, and together, let's realize the full potential of your company.
Email: | Phone: +977 9814210700


  • Branding

    Strategy, Visual Identity, Collaterals
  • UI/UX & Web Design

    UI/UX Design, Responsive design, Creative Direction
  • Website Development

    Wordpress, Magento, WooCommerce, Joomla, HTML5, CSS.
  • Digital Marketing

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  • Support & Hosting

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  • SEO & SEM

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  • Content Writting

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Nepaltar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Email
  • Phone
    +977 9814210700
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